vineri, 19 august 2016

Bilete de avion ieftine prin Aerotravel

Acum ai ocazia de a fi mult mai aproape de vacanta de vis decat te-ai fi asteptat, iar tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa apelezi la Aerotravel care iti propune cele mai accesibile bilete de avion catre orice destinatie din tara si de peste hotare. De ce sa pregatesti cateva sute de euro pentru a petrece cateva zile pe litoralul romanesc sau la munte, zone ticsite de turisti si unde calitatea serviciilor lasa de dorit? Pentru aceeasi suma ai ocazia de a vizita orice tara din Europa, iar serviciile cu siguranta ca te vor multumi.
Preturi atractive
Probabil ca cele mai multe persoane isi aleg vacante pe care stiu ca si le pot permite, insa probabil ca nu cunosc faptul ca acum este mult mai accesibil sa zbori cu avionul decat in trecut. Daca te orientezi din timp si ai o imagine clara a locului pe care doresti sa il vizitezi, atunci poti sa faci o rezervare si cu siguranta ca vei avea parte de tarife foarte reduse. In plus, pe piata romaneasca sunt prezente numeroase companii aeriene, iar competitia fiind tot mai stransa, adesea sunt disponibile oferte grozave, la cele mai bune preturi.
Fara timp pierdut

De asemenea, atunci cand alegi aceste bilete de avion, nu mai esti nevoit sa pierzi timpul pentru a ajunge la destinatie, la fel cum era atunci cand calatoreai cu trenul, cu autocarul sau cu propriul autoturism. Nu mai ai stresul drumului si de fiecare data vei fi odihnit, intrucat majoritatea zborurilor nu dureaza mai mult de 2-3 ore. In plus, cele mai multe dintre acestea sunt directe, fara escala, ceea ce inseamna si mai putin timp irosit prin aeroporturi, dar si faptul ca sunt sanse infirme ca bagajul tau sa fie ratacit, motiv pentru care te poti bucura de cele mai bune conditii.

Virtual Tour provider software

The world of software services is becoming more and more interesting, as the web services technology became more and more interconnected, it seems that all kinds of services, software solutions, games and other applications are emerging constantly, targeting different devices.

Now, after a couple of years of development of the Smartphone industry it seems that most of the devices have reached the hardware performance of a personal computer form the beginning of the middle 2000 yeaars, which means that almost any kind of decent applications can be run directly from a pocket.

Also, as the industry evolved and the number of specialists became higher and higher, there are a lot of people that get used to purchase and use dedicated software solutions, while companies started developing software by their own needs.

But themost interesting development in this industry is in the area of the Software as a Service, or SaaS (as it is being named by the local specialists) which in fact is one of the greatest concepts behind the software and the internet - as for instance this allowed the creation of the virtual tour provider software solutions, as TourWizard.

Now... the huge advantage of the SaaS platforms consists in the fact that they can be used in multiple environments, and they do not depend on the fact that the software should be installed on a computer or on a fancy server, as they can be run from everywhere, as the service can be extrordinary flexible.

joi, 18 august 2016

Shuttle service to Otopeni

As a foreigner in Eastern Europe I was initially expecting to be discouraged due to poor services here and to be derranged by the poverty, but in fact the thing are not at all this way.

My first contact with this part of Europe was about 3 years ago, when I was a little bit diasppointed that my company sent me in Romania in order to manage the local offices, and I was afraid of the city, afraid of the people, afraid of the fact that my life will be changing in bad.

So... my first contact was in fact with the guy that was checking my papers on the airport, as Romania in not in Schengen area, but the guy was very nice (not as I was expecting), smiled and wished me a good time in Bucharest - then again, in a couple of minutes, I was really impressed by the quality of the shuttle service from otopeni - which was in fact a Mercedes black cab, with a nice driver.

Also, the road from the airport from the offices was really great, as the driver went besides a very long and nice park with a lot of green, the city architecture is really great and what I have found later is the fact that the food was absolutely magnificent.

So, Bucharest, Romania and in fact I could say that all the Eastern Europe was to me something as a revelation and a very nice thing to experience, as those places were really great, as several things were actually better than in the western countries.

I would also recommend anyone to use the shuttle service in Bucharest, as the quality of services is really great, and the price of services is not high at all.